Start With Hello

Start with Hello 10/11/18

All students and staff participated in a Start with Hello "Hey Day.”  Students and staff wore "Hello, my name is _____" name tags and were encouraged to reach out and say hello to others throughout the day in their classrooms, during lunch and recess, in the hallways, and any opportunity that arises. 

During morning announcements, guest students shared how to say hello in many different languages.  Students were also reminded of the Start with Hello steps:

  1. See someone alone
  2. Reach out and help
  3. Start with Hello

Be sure to ask your child about the Hey Day!  Thanks for your support at home!

Start with Hello 11/8/18

All students and staff are invited to participate in a kindness activity where we will create a Wall of Positivity.

Students and staff are on the look-out for acts of kindness that are happening around our school:  in the classrooms, halls, at lunch, recess, arrival, dismissal, etc.  When an act of kindness is spotted, students and staff will write, illustrate, and color acts of kindness on special kindness slips.  Be sure to check out our Wall of Positivity next time you’re visiting Thunder Hill!

Students were also reminded of the Start with Hello steps:

  1. See someone alone
  2. Reach out and help
  3. Start with Hello

Thanks for all your support at home!   

Start with Hello 12/13/18

All students and staff are invited to participate in a Start with Hello Scavenger Hunt!  Students are encouraged to look for Start with Hello logos that are placed around the school.  In community circles, classes talked about how just like we have to go out of our way to track down the Start with Hello logos, we must also go out of our way to say hello to others to help ensure they feel included and welcome in our school.

Students were also reminded of the Start with Hello steps:

  1. See someone alone
  2. Reach out and help
  3. Start with Hello

We continue to share acts of kindness each week on the morning announcements.  Our Wall of Positivity from last month continues to grow from the health room windows down to the media center!

Thanks for all your support at home! 

Start with Hello 1/24/19

Students learned about something really important for all of us to consider when choosing our words - the THINK acronym:

Before You Speak…THINK … Each letter in the word THINK stands for a great question for us to THINK about before we use our words.  Key word is before we speak.  Here it is:

         T – is it True?      Is what I’m about to say really true?

         H – is it Helpful?   Is what I’m about to say helpful?

         I – is it Inspiring?  Is what I’m about to say inspiring?

         N – Is it Necessary? Is what I’m about to say really necessary or can I let it go and not say anything at all?

         K – is it Kind?       Is what I’m about to say nice?

Let’s remember to choose our words wisely, words hurt.  Students were also reminded of the Start with Hello steps:

  1. See someone alone
  2. Reach out and help
  3. Start with Hello

Start with Hello 2/14/19

All students are invited to Be a Friend at Lunch Day!  Students are encouraged to sit with someone: who may need a friend, is sitting alone, or someone new to mix it up and make a new friend!

In community circles, classes talked about how it feels to be welcome and included and ways to reach out during lunch and recess. Students were also reminded of the Start with Hello steps:

  1. See someone alone
  2. Reach out and help
  3. Start with Hello

Be sure to ask your child about the Be a Friend at Lunch Day!  Did they make a new friend?  Why is it important to include others?  How can you be a good friend?  What can you do to show that you are a kind and caring friend?

Start with Hello 3/28/19

All students are invited to Be a Friend at Recess Day!  Students are encouraged to play with someone: who may need a friend, is playing alone, or someone new to mix it up and make a new friend!In community circles, classes talked about how it feels to be welcome and included and ways to reach out during lunch and recess. Students were also reminded of the Start with Hello steps:

  1. See someone alone
  2. Reach out and help
  3. Start with Hello

Be sure to ask your child about the Be a Friend at Recess Day!  Did they make a new friend?  Why is it important to include others?  How can you be a good friend?  What can you do to show that you are a kind and caring friend?

Start With Hello 4/23/2019

Our next Start With Hello activity will be the day we return from break on Tuesday, 4/23, to coincide with Earth Day.  Please give each of your students the kindness notes in your mailbox as a positive, caring, welcome back from break.  "The world is a better place because of you."   In your community circles, please:

  • review the Start with Hello steps:
    1. See someone alone
    2. Reach out and help
    3. Start with Hello
  • ask students to talk about how SWH is going in our school (the last 2 have been Be a Friend at Lunch and Be a Friend at Recess).  
  • share conversation topics/starters with new friends 
    • what are you favorites?  game, color, food, books, movies, activities
    • would you rather type questions ... go to the beach or the mountains? play basketball or paint a picture? listen to music or read a book? 


Thank you for all your support! 

Becky Reeb