Thunder Hill Elementary School will begin working towards developing a restorative justice culture.
Restorative justice is an indigenous philosophy that emphasizes building relationships. This philosophy is used as a school climate and culture shift that includes intentional community building with staff, families, and students; examining and transforming instructional practices; and engaging in conversations about racism and the way it impacts our education system. Because the climate and culture of a school building is shaped by adults, this work must begin with them.
Restorative justice practices include:
peace or community building circles
shared values
restorative conversations
THES Core Values:
Individuals are welcomed when they enter our building
Titles and/or roles do not get in the way of healthy social and emotional interactions
Student needs and opinions are valued and honored
Every community member has a person with whom they can connect
Safe spaces are created for difficult conversations
There is an awareness of race and racism and the impact they have on the community we serve