Math Spirit Week

THES will celebrate MATH SPIRIT WEEK during the week of April 16th.  Encourage your child(ren) to join the fun!

Monday, 4.16 - Backwards Day = wear your clothes backwards to show that we work backwards in Math to solve a variety of problems.

Tuesday, 4/17 à-Math is Everywhere = wear clothing that has numbers and or patterns on it to show that Math is always around us.

Wednesday, 4/18 - Add it Up = wear clothing that has things you can count and add together

Thursday, 4/19 - Mentally Sharp = dress up and be as sharp as you can, because mathematicians have a sharp mind and sharp thinking.

Friday, 4/20 à-Team Day = Wear clothing that supports your favorite sports team (it can even be your own jersey!) and shows that Math involves teamwork and help from others