May 5th - 11th is Children's Mental Health Awareness Week in Maryland.
Thunder Hill is proudly joining the Children's Mental Health Matters! Campaign to help raise awareness of children's mental health. During the week, we will be talking about mental health - how you think, feel, and act every day - because how your mind feels is just as important as how your body feels. Students will be learning things to help themselves and others feel better when they are sad, worried, angry, or scared. To learn more about the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and resources for help, contact anyone on the Student Services Team at Thunder Hill or go to:
Each day on the morning announcements, Mrs. Reeb, School Counselor, will share a "Coping Skill of the Day." Teachers and staff will be encouraged to practice and reinforce the coping skills with their classes. All students will also receive a bookmark reinforcing the message to tell someone how you feel, how you feel matters!
Thursday, May 9th, is Children's Mental Health Matters! Green Day. All students and staff are invited to wear the color green to support awareness of the importance of children's mental health. Encourage your child to join in!
Fast Facts about Children’s Mental Health
Mental health refers to a person’s overall social, emotional, behavioral and psychological well-being. It impacts how we think, feel, and act, including how a child:
Feels about himself/herself
Relates to other children and adults
Handles changes, stress, and other life situations
One in five children experience a mental, emotional or behavioral health problem before age 18. These problems affect children of all demographic groups, regardless of education, income, race or culture.
Up to 70% of school-aged children with a diagnosable mental illness do not receive treatment. Early intervention is the best way to prevent long-term or severe conditions into adulthood.
Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week is a great time to learn more about children’s mental health and to check out available resources to help ensure all children have the opportunity to be successful in school, at home, in the community, and in their future adult lives.
Read more about the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and find resources, including a Family Resource Kit, at